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  • Mars in Aries 2020

    Mars enters Aries today and will stay there until January 6th, 2021. Buckle your seatbelts, because this is going to be a long, fiery ride! Typically, Mars transits a zodiac sign for approximately six weeks at a time, but due to a retrograde period, Mars will be in Aries for a bit over six months! This means you may experience a prolonged sense of agitation and tension. In astrology, Mars represents your drive, instincts, and temperament. With Mars sliding out of its copresence with Neptune in Pisces and bolting into Aries (Mars’s domicile), you’ll no long feel so groggy. Instead, the spark of inspiration will strike you, and the overwhelming urge to act on your desires may take hold. This can be wonderful energy for initiations of all kinds- a workout regimen, the launch of a new venture. This transit may even help you find the courage to stick up for yourself, and kick those haters to the curb! However, it’s important to note that Mars in Aries isn’t the best at tactics, and taking caution may be difficult at this time. Mars in Aries likes to do, not think, and with Mars squaring off against Mercury in Cancer for the first month of this transit, this may just be a recipe for emotional explosions. Things are going to get hot, and this energetic heatwave will persist for the rest of 2020. This transit will likely play out collectively in relation to recent protests about systemic racism and the COVID-19 pandemic. People have been stuck at home for the past three months, and they’re dying to get out and be free. Likewise, large demographics of people have been systemically chained to the bottom of society, and that same desire for freedom is growing. Mars in Aries can only be contained for so long until it bursts out its cage, full of rage and ready to fight. Honestly, things may get scarier than they have been since the protests began, and we should all prepare ourselves for that possibility. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that Mars in Aries is a survivor. This transit will not destroy us. You will survive. If you want to know how the Mars in Aries transit will effect you personally, book a natal reading to find out! Also, stay tuned to the blog for a more in depth look at this fall’s Mars Retrograde in Aries transit.

  • Solar Eclipse in Cancer on Summer Solstice

    We’re just about to hit the halfway point, and 2020 has already been an unforgettable year. Let’s add to the list of remarkable occurrences a Solar Eclipse that takes place at 0° of Cancer. This eclipse aligns with the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, June 21, 2020. Eclipses are powerful, unstable energies on their own. The fact that this solar eclipse falls on a day with symbolic importance will increase our collective sensitivity to that energy. During solar eclipses, motivations can be hidden or unknown. The sign of Cancer is about emotions, nurturing, and nourishment, so this eclipse may be pointing to intense emotional reactions that are seemingly unjustified based on the situation. As a cardinal water sign, Cancer prefers to be indirect with action. This lack of straightforwardness is only exacerbated by the fact that Mercury is retrograde in the same sign. Not only are feelings in a delicate state, but the way those emotions are verbalized may be misinterpreted. So how do you work with this energy? First and foremost, BREATHE! It can be tempting to be swept away in the current of feeling. But it’s important to ground yourself and remember that the heaviness of this moment will pass. When the source of an emotion is unknown, it can feel overwhelming and invalidating. However, it’s important to honor your feelings even if you don’t fully understand them. Nurture yourself. Feed your soul with self-love and compassion. And as my therapist likes to say, be gentle with yourself.

  • Uranus in Taurus- Part 3: Technology & Internet

    It’s time for the final installment of the Uranus in Taurus trifecta of articles.  Part 1 covered the food industry & environment, and Part 2 discussed money & finance.  I highly suggest going back to read the first two parts of this discussion to get the most in-depth view of what this transit will likely bring to our collective attention. One of the most exciting things about Uranus is the innovation and technological advancements that this planet brings.  Of all of the planets, Uranus is definitely the genius. Meaning, the greatest inventions come from Uranian inspiration!  So what will Dr. Uranus be cooking up in his lab with all this new Taurus energy. We’ve already discussed a few of the technological advances we can expect in Parts 1 & 2 of this series: advancements in food science, renewable energy, and new forms of trade such as cryptocurrency.  One aspect of the sign of Taurus that hasn’t been mentioned up to this point is sensuality. Taurus rules over the 5 physical senses of the body- sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Thinking about the five senses and how they could possibly relate to technology, virtual reality immediately comes to mind.  VR technology has blown up over the past few years, and I suspect it’ll only get bigger and far more immersive. Can we expect full body immersion video games à la Ready Player One?  Probably not in the mainstream, but technology is definitely heading in that direction.  The market may start to see an influx of products that were made to manipulate our senses- whether that be for recreational or practical purposes.  I won’t pretend to be in the know about the latest technologies (if you’re looking for a tech savvy gal, I’m definitely not her!). But contemplating Uranus in Taurus sparked my imagination on what kinds of things we might be seeing.  Headphones/earbuds may get an updated, more ergonomic design. I’m perpetually looking for affordable headphones that don’t hurt my ears after having them on for 20 minutes, so I, for one, welcome this development! It’s also likely that protective eyewear will see a surge in popularity- especially eyewear that protects us from the harsh light of digital screens.  The side effects of staring at a screen all day are real, and more people are starting to become aware of the risk. However, reducing screen time isn’t a practical solution for most because a lot of current lifestyles rely on technology so heavily. A great alternative will be to actually protect our eyes by wearing those nerdy glasses. But hey, perhaps by the end of this transit, the only nerds will be the ones who decide not to protect themselves from their computers. It’s important to remember that Uranus, in addition to technology, also signifies science.  So the science around how we treat our senses may see a radical change. There are many areas of study related to the five physical senses that are seen as pseudoscience or are otherwise widely rejected by the scientific community- specifically in terms of health and mental health.  Unless you’re going to a holistic practitioner, things such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, binaural beat therapy, and/or color therapy aren’t typically part of the conversation. If you think about it, science culture and the sign of Taurus have a lot in common. Scientists love to operate within the comfort zone of what they already know, and can at times be very closed-minded about and outright rejecting of  new advancements that don’t line up with how they already think. That’s the reason why so many of the great scientists we recognize today were shunned by their peers at the time. But Uranus won’t stand for that stubbornness! Uranus will inspire us to change how we think about our senses. Perhaps new studies and research will come out that show the validity of some of these practices that will make it harder for mainstream scientists to keep denying the legitimacy of these fields.  This will surely cause lots of explosive Uranus-esque debates within the scientific community. I’ll start making the popcorn! Now, let’s shift gears a bit.  You can’t talk about Uranus without talking about the internet.  As the World Wide Web continues to become an increasingly integral aspect of everyday life, we can look to transiting Uranus to reflect the current state of internet culture.  When Uranus was in Aries, the online environment became extremely combative, reactionary, and even hostile. We saw the rise of trolls and social justice warriors (Aries is ruled by Mars, the warrior planet).  The internet became a battleground- especially in the political arena. There were so many movements, protests, and counter-protests that got their start online before they had any credence in the real world. Of course, there were both positive and negative sides to all of this, but in essence, Uranus in Aries can be encapsulated by a fearlessness of reacting and expressing oneself online. Taurus doesn’t like to be so rash.  Instead, Taurus prefers practicality, peacefulness, and comfort.  So perhaps Uranus moving into Taurus will be the start of the internet becoming a more pleasant place… Hopefully!  There’s a realistic aspect to the sign of Taurus which may bring about people being held accountable for their online actions.  Taurus values the tangible, so with Uranus moving into the sign of tangibility, things we do online may start to bleed into the real world- for better or worse. As “real” life and internet life become more intertwined, the issue of privacy will become a large part of the conversation.  Taurus is all about security, and that need to keep things safe will expand to wanting to protect our online data. All the issues Facebook has been going through over the past year lend as a great example.  The Cambridge Analytica scandal is a major event that brought internet privacy to the collective’s attention. I find it interesting that Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg is part of the Pluto in Scorpio generation.  Uranus in Taurus will oppose every Millennial’s Pluto in Scorpio. It’s likely that the Scorpio Pluto generation will contain the key players in the advancement of internet security. Technological activism is a trend that might start seeing a rise.  As it currently stands, there aren’t many laws in place that protect the public in the digital sphere. Activists may start to demand that laws and regulations catch up to the state of technology to ensure that people’s rights can no longer be violated.  Transiting Uranus in Taurus opposing natal Pluto in Scorpio will be a driving force in making sure these issues get addressed. When Uranus and Pluto are tangoing with each other, the end result will be radically different,and even unrecognizable from what was there before. I don’t know about you, but I am excited for the Uranus in Taurus transit!  There will be so many changes and advancements on the collective level, and even more importantly on the personal level.  This transit will teach us to be comfortable with being out of our comfort zone, and free of that self-restriction is where we will experience the most growth  So here’s to Uranus in Taurus until 2026! May you kick our stubborn butts forward, and show us all the new and exciting things you have to offer.

  • Uranus in Taurus- Part 2: Money & Finance

    It’s time to dive in to Part 2 of this Uranus in Taurus series of articles!  Part 1 discussed what this transit may bring in terms of the Food Industry & Environment, so be sure to check that out if you haven’t already! I’ll start off by saying that I’m no economist.  In fact, I’m a recent college grad with more student loan debt than what should be socially acceptable, but let’s not digress.  The sign of Taurus represents what we personally values- both emotionally and monetarily. For this section of the discussion, we’ll be focusing on the financial aspects. It’s undeniable that money plays a crucial role in our everyday lives- which is why we’re constantly striving for financial security.  Hell, money is the first thing lots of people consider when making important decisions, only considering emotional fulfilment after the fact, if at all.  We sacrifice so much of our happiness for the sake of security. But Uranus and the idea of security are kind of mutually exclusive. That’s the reason why Uranus is considered to be debilitated in the sign of Taurus.  The fast-moving, innovative, bringer-of-change planet of Uranus in the slow & steady, traditional, change-resistant sign of Taurus just doesn’t mesh well. When Uranus comes in to radically shake up our relationship to money, it will make lots of people uncomfortable, because their security is being threatened.  You can already see the resistance to change how we think about money if you examine the cryptocurrency debate. Some experts will say that crypto is dead, it’s a waste of time and investment, and has no place in the real world.  Yet, others see crypto as an exciting innovation that will surely have a place in our lives in the future. It’s hard to know which experts are actually correct, but where Uranus is involved, it’s best to keep an open mind. Being resistant to innovation is how we will run into the most problems.  You can bet, there will be those who desperately try to hold onto how things currently are. But things will be shifting around us, and it’ll be impossible to hold on forever. Uranus in Taurus will be in a sign-based trine to Pluto in Capricorn.  The aspect never goes exact, nevertheless these two transits will be working in tandem with each other.  Pluto in Capricorn is transforming institutions as we know them. And with Uranus inspiring us to update our financial ideals, institutions such as banks, the stock market, credit, and Social Security may likely go through unexpected makeovers- for better or worse.  Either way, our faith in these systems will be tested, and we’ll have to come up with ways to address this lack of security. Like mentioned in Part 1, Uranus in Taurus may inspire us to bring back old ways into the modern age.  One thing that comes to mind, especially where transactions are concerned, is bartering. As the value of money goes through radical changes, more people may start to exchange one tangible good or service for another.  As the meaning and value of money becomes more and more elusive, people may start to find comfort in simply exchanging one thing for another. Did you ever hear that story about the guy who started off with a paperclip, and just kept trading until he eventually traded in for a house?  It’s a remarkable story, and I doubt things will get that extreme. But on a local level, everyday interactions within our communities may start to involve more trading without the exchange of money. This will only be possible because Uranus will be innovating our concept of value. Another important attribute to Uranus is social change.  Being in the sign of Taurus, we can expect economic activism to move into the spotlight.  Perhaps people will start taking action to bring some equilibrium to the ever-widening wealth disparity.  And we mustn’t forget about the infamous wage gap! Issues related to classism may start to become major parts of the conversation.  And remember that whole in debt college grad thing I mentioned before? I am so selfishly praying to Uranus to bring about some student loan forgiveness programs, because we all need that in our lives! A trend that may start to become more prevalent is businesses taking social and political stands, such as Dick’s Sporting Goods stopping the sale of guns after the Parkland Shooting.  More and more, consumers may want to know that the businesses they support also stand for the issues they care about. On the other side of this, boycotts may see a surge in popularity for these very reasons.  We’ve all seen the hashtag boycotts across the internet after a company does something a group of people doesn’t agree with. Perhaps as a result of Uranus being in Aries, most of these boycotts had been reactionary, and thus unsuccessful.  But with people’s core values now on the line, perhaps companies won’t be able to keep getting away with such unsavory things. Overall, Uranus in Taurus will change our idea of money as we know it.  Whether we choose to embrace traditional bartering practices or dive headlong into cryptocurrency, our everyday transactions will be radically altered by the time this transit ends in 2026.  The trick will be to find that delicate balance between remaining secure while embracing the unforeseen changes that will be taking place. Hopefully, saving money for a rainy day won’t be too difficult an accomplishment!

  • Uranus in Taurus- Part 1: Food & Environment

    Things are about to be shaken up… again!  In 2018, we got a nice little taste of Uranus in Taurus for a few months before it retrograded back into the sign of Aries.  This time it’s for good folks! On March 7th, 2019, Uranus will ingress into the sign of Taurus and remain there until 2026. Buckle your seatbelts because Uranus is sure to take us on a wild ride! Many astrologers have already offered their two cents on what this transit may bring, and I wanted to throw my thoughts into the mix.  Boy do I have some thoughts! I decided to put them into a 3-part article, outlining the major themes Uranus in Taurus will bring to our collective attention.  In Part 1, I’ll discuss themes related to the Food Industry & Environment. Part 2 will cover Money & Finance, and Part 3 will explore Internet Culture. Uranus in Taurus may touch many other areas of our lives- especially considering what house this transit takes place in in your natal chart- but I’ll be focusing on more global themes.  Enjoy! Part 1: Food Industry & Environment The sign of Taurus is known for food.  It’s a bit of a cliche at this point. But it’s a cliche for a reason.  Taurus is the sign that we turn to to find the plants and animals that we use for sustenance- Mother Earth’s gift to our bodies.  Uranus is the planet of radical changes, technological advances, and social activism. Bringing these two energies together is sure to change how we think about food. The most obvious place to start is the meat industry.  Taurus is the sign of the bull (or cow, in this case). It’s no secret that the meat industry has a lot of problems, and perhaps Uranus in Taurus is just the transit we need to help us solve some of them.  Sorry cow farmers, but this probably won’t make you too happy. And to the vegans, well, this just may be your time to shine! As people become more aware of the horrible damage that the meat industry causes to our environment, I suspect more people will start speaking up about it and demanding change.  More people may start to turn to vegetarianism and veganism in order to do their part in conserving our environment. As more people become outspoken activists against the meat industry, changes may have to be put into place in order to appease the consumer. One of the changes we may see is lab-grown meat becoming available in mass markets.  As of now, this technology is still in its beginning stages, but as the demand for cruelty-free meat becomes higher, you bet companies will be racing to be the first to give people what they want. When Uranus moved into Taurus last year, some of the most strikingly literal manifestations were volcano eruptions and earthquakes.  It’s possible that extreme natural phenomenons just may become a part of the typical news cycle. Like a mother smacking her kid in the mouth for disrespecting her, Mother Earth may decide to do the same thing unless humanity shapes up.  Climate change will become harder and harder to ignore as weather patterns become more dramatic and unpredictable. With all that staring us in the face, it makes sense that people would want to do more to protect the environment. Uranus can help us innovate, and we could see new advances in renewable energy such as solar, wind, and water power- really anything powered by natural sources.  On a micro-level, the average person may become more environment-conscious and start to adjust their actions accordingly, such as adopting more produce-based diets like mentioned before, starting their own garden, or perhaps even raising their own animals for a more humane meat consumption. People may start investing in more natural, homegrown, and homemade products, because knowing exactly where something comes from and how that affects the planet will start to become a more commonplace value. A good key phrase for Uranus in Taurus is modern simplicity.  Taurus longs for the simple, tried and true ways of the past, and in the context of this conversation, how we used to consume food was far less damaging to the environment and our own bodies.  Uranus will help us realize this and inspire us to make a change. It actually makes a lot of sense that we’d want to return to an older way of doing things. God forbid Taurus actually accepts something new...

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