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- Relationships: Our Essential Needs- Chapter 1 | Read with Me
Can I admit something to you? In all my years as an astrologer, I’ve pretty much stayed clear of studying evolutionary astrology. Through osmosis I’ve picked up that Pluto and the nodes (and the nodes’ rulers!) play a big part. But other than that, I couldn’t tell you much about evolutionary astrology. For some reason, the evolutionary school just felt off-putting to me. Perhaps its focus on the soul touched a bit too close to my religious trauma, but let’s not digress. All this to say, I’m a novice when it comes to evolutionary astrology, and reading Relationships: Our Essential Needs by Jeffrey Wolf Green is my first serious foray into an evolutionary lens of astrology. I love relationships and I love astrology, so I figured I’d give this book a read and see what insights I can take away from it. I’ll be using this blog series mainly to keep track of my own thoughts and annotations as I make my way through the book, but I also want to invite you into my process. Come read with me, and maybe we’ll learn something from each other! My Notes on Chapter 1: The Soul’s Essential Needs in Relationships Okay, so I definitely have some catching up to do in terms of the evolutionary framework being used in this book. But the concepts are simple enough to follow along so far, even with my minimal knowledge. A major piece of note is that the natural zodiac, complete with outer planet rulers, is in full play. I’ll set the biases of my stony, Hellenistic astrologer heart to the side in my best attempt to embrace Green’s teachings. With that acknowledgement out of the way, I do have a lot of thoughts on Chapter 1! Green posits that the key to understanding the soul’s emotional needs is by understanding the interplay of the archetypes present in the 2nd, 7th, and 12th house along with their respective natural signs and rulers. So the archetypes of the 2nd House/Taurus/Venus, the 7th House/Libra/Venus, and the 12th House/Pisces/Neptune will unlock your essential needs. Why these placements? Because Venus (the planet of love and relationships) rules Taurus and Libra, and Venus’ higher octave, Neptune, rules Pisces. I’d also like to think that Pisces is part of the puzzle because it’s the sign of Venus’ exaltation, though this wasn’t mentioned as a factor in this chapter. The basic archetypes are described as follows: 2nd House/Taurus/(inner) Venus: survival, self-reliance 7th House/Libra/(outer) Venus: Relationships to Other, projection 12th House/Pisces/Neptune: Transcendence, idealism The relationships of these archetypes is explored through the “finger of god” or yod aspect pattern that these houses form in a chart. The 2nd and 12th houses sextile one another and each form an inconjunction to the 7th house. The inconjunctions indicate a crisis point in the relationship which can be resolved through the sextile. This is the part I love and that really sparked my brain! As a couple’s therapist, I see the relationship crises described play out in my office every day. How do you negotiate meeting your own needs vs. having needs met by partners (2nd and 7th house crisis)? What happens when the honeymoon phase ends and you realize your partner is a flawed human (12th and 7th house crisis)? How can you stop relying on your relationship for your main sense of safety and find that peace within yourself (2nd, 7th, and 12th house crisis + resolution)? These questions point to the relationship struggles so many of us have, and I can see these crises at the root of the issues my clients come in to work on. We all carry around idealized 12th house images of who we want our partner to be. But when this ideal is projected onto a real person, you set yourself up for failure- classic 12th house self-undoing right there! A flawed human being will never be able to live up to the rose-tinted expectations born from the 12th house. It’s delusional (Neptune) to think that your partner will always be able to meet every one of your survival needs, and the feeling of betrayal that arises when your partner can’t show up is devastating. Next thing you know, your trust is destroyed and you’re throwing yourself into the 2nd house drive of self-preservation. If your partner can’t show up for you, you’re gonna do it yourself! You don’t feel safe, and this danger is familiar. So you do what you need to survive- whether it’s building walls, distancing, fawning or some other survival strategy. And look at that! You’ve arrived back to the 2nd and 7th house crisis point. Okay, so I didn’t mean for that to turn into a vignette, and really didn’t mean to call some of y’all out just now. But if that cycle resonates, find comfort in knowing that you certainly aren’t the only one navigating this or similar relational dynamics. The question of meeting your essential relationship needs, or differentiation, or interdependence or [insert whatever language to describe this phenomenon] has been the foundation of so many relationship frameworks for a reason. Feeling safe in relationships can be really hard for so many of us. And perhaps astrology can keep helping us figure it out.
- Horoscope for August 2024
The midst of summer is heating up this Leo season! Just as things were cooling down from last month’s shake ups, August’s astrology will have you doing double takes and feeling déjà vu. Not only will multiple planetary configurations reactivate July’s volatile Mars-Uranus conjunction, Mercury will also station retrograde and invite us to reexamine situations we previously thought had concluded. When faced with familiar conundrums, will you employ the same strategies previously used to navigate tense moments? Or will you take the opportunity to respond in new ways? August is marked by tension between stagnation and an abundance of nervous energy, so be wise as you consider next steps. At the start of the month, Venus is first in line to harken back to the Mars-Uranus conjunction as it forms a zesty square to Uranus. Out-of-the box maneuvers demand recognition and appreciation. As Venus dances through the late degrees of the expressive sign of Leo, simple acknowledgements may speak volumes towards alleviating conflicts. Giving those who deserve it their flowers may prove to be beneficial as this particularly sensitive part of the sky gets activated throughout the month. New Moon Days after the square, novel energy comes rushing in with the New Moon at 12° of Leo and Venus’s ingress into the sign of Virgo. This New Moon presents the chance for you to shine! You may be surprised by how authenticity can result in doors opening for you. Likewise, it requires discernment to make sure that the path you follow is aligned with what you value. It’s a great time for curation or to share your carefully crafted projects with the world. The spotlight is waiting for you! Beware of the critics though, as Mercury slows down and stations retrograde (Rx) at 4° Virgo. Remember that scrutiny isn’t necessarily a negative. Feedback in its constructive forms encourages betterment. In fact, you might even expect a warm reception with Venus and Mercury Rx applying to conjoin each other at 3° Virgo. This friendly aspect is lighthearted and encourages you to refine your craft. Digging into the details can be an enriching experience. Additionally, with the Sun in Leo forming a supportive sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, your allies have got your back. It’s unlikely that assuming others’ good intentions will lead you astray at this time. This sweet energy lasts until the middle of the month when a burst of inspiration strikes. Mars meets Jupiter in the curious sign of Gemini. This combo will energize your drive to expand your horizons, and Mercury Rx’s entrance back into Leo will reignite the instinct to follow your grandiose whims. However, disappointment may sink in when you’re hit with the realities of your limitations. Mars soon squares the restrictive Saturn in Pisces, turning what was thought to be an elegant dive towards the water into a harsh belly flop against the surface. There’s nothing wrong with giving your all, but brace yourself for impact if things don’t work out the way you dreamed. The latter half of August ushers in our next echo of last month’s Mars-Uranus conjunction, and things will speed up as multiple planets make contact with each other in rapid succession. Mercury Rx intensifies rhetoric as it forms its second of three squares to Uranus in Taurus. This configuration may mark announcements or updates of the direct fallout from the disruptions that happened in mid-July. With more information coming to light, you may feel more emboldened in your opinions, especially because Mercury Rx conjoins the Sun in Leo during this square. You’re cautioned against over-identification with your thoughts or ideology. Believing that you or others are defined by their points of view may lead into the trap of stubbornness and missed opportunities for minds to change. Full Moon Also happening concurrently is the Full Moon at 27° of Aquarius. This Full Moon connects to the Sun, Mercury Rx, and Uranus, forming an incredibly tense configuration known as a T-square. Additionally, the fixed signs of Taurus (Uranus), Leo (Sun and Mercury Rx), and Aquarius (Moon) creates a doubling down and an unwillingness to cooperate. Indignant righteousness may be coloring the steps you take at this time. As mentioned, there’s always room for more nuance, but you must decide what hill you’re prepared to die on. Finding relief from the intensity may prove to be a difficult task as the mutable zodiac signs are also occupied by a T-square! The signs of Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces are typically characterized by their ability to pivot and adapt. However, with Saturn in Pisces leading this T-square, Venus and Jupiter are forced to work hard to maintain hope. Venus in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini can feel deeply uncomfortable due to the contradiction of analysis and faith. If you need to know every minute detail before you allow yourself to move forward, can you truly say you have trust in the situation? In others? In yourself? It can feel like a gloomy realization that pessimism may win this round. This may possibly be your point of no return. How will you choose to proceed? This saga may leave you feeling like achieving your ideals is impossible with existing structures in place. A change is in order, and the Sun’s ingress into Virgo can inspire contemplation. It’s time to get down to brass tacks and examine your non-negotiables and where there’s room for shifting. Mercury Rx forms an opportune sextile to Mars at 22° Gemini. You may be feeling like something needs to give, or it will break. Letting go is seldom easy, but sometimes rupturing a connection is what’s best for everyone involved. The month wraps up with a lull in the intensity. Venus in Virgo will trine Uranus in Taurus, an aspect that creates ease and may inspire an innovative approach to organization. You may find that downsizing invites abundance to your life in unexpected ways. Venus also forms an opposition to Neptune at 29° Pisces, encouraging you to let your imagination run wild. Escapism may feel enticing, but be careful not to overdo it and get lost in your fantasies. Mercury stations direct at 22° Leo, which will also allow you to direct your creativity outwards. Create. Laugh. Flirt. Be aware of your magnetism. August ends with Venus moving into Libra and forming a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. Not only is this a deep breath of fresh air after the heaviness from earlier in the month, but this seductive and powerful Venus presents the chance to build truly meaningful connections that have the potential to be long-lasting. After a month of feeling beaten down, now is the time to step into your power.
- Horoscope for July 2024
Happy birthday to all the Cancers out there and happy summer to everyone else! July is ushering in some big energy as every personal planet makes multiple major aspects with an outer planet this month. As they move through the late degrees of Cancer and early degrees of Leo, the planets first encounter harmonious aspects with Uranus and Neptune, then their paths culminate in a tense connection to Pluto. Such intimate conversations to the outer planets present the opportunity to make big moves and go deep. July's Forecast July starts off with Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces. When a planet stations- or appears to stand still in the sky- its energy is magnified and palpable. As the planet of dreams, spirituality, and illusions, Neptune often skews our perceptions of reality. Mercury in Cancer forms a harmonious trine to Neptune, which makes it even easier to slide between points of view. This is a brilliant time to exercise creative skills like writing or making art. At the same time, you may be extra vulnerable to trickery or find your opinions easily swayed. With Venus also moving through Cancer and connecting to Saturn in Pisces, you’re encouraged to give others grace without sacrificing your own stability. Mars in Taurus is giving you the ability to stay grounded as it also forms a connection with Saturn. Just be careful not to dig your feet in too much! This energy is best used by actualizing some of the creative imaginings from earlier in the week and taking practical steps to turn aspects of your dreams into reality. New Moon The New Moon at 14° Cancer takes place on July 5. New Moons grant us the chance to set new intentions and start new habits. With Cancer’s focus on security and nurturance, don’t be afraid to lean into your sensitivities. What you’re sensitive about often clues you in to underlying insecurities and gives you the opportunity to examine what’s making you feel unsafe. This dynamic may be playing out in your relationships with this New Moon’s co-presence with Venus. At one point in time, your fears were likely based in reality. Use this New Moon to examine if you’re still reacting to past vulnerabilities, and ask yourself what you truly need to feel safe in your present reality. The second week of the month shakes things up with Venus’s sextile to Uranus in Taurus, which starts off Venus’s dance with all three outer planets. The trine to Neptune and eventual opposition to Pluto, positions your relationships to get flirty, immersive, and passionate. You may be feeling the tension between the need to try something new and the risk of taking a chance. Invite more play into your connection with others, and remember to enjoy the levity of spending time with those you care about. Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Gemini wants you to have FUN and expand your network. Be cheeky, laugh loudly, and lean into the warmth of your relationships. Mid-July marks a stark shift in the energy with Mars conjoining Uranus in Taurus. Both Mars and Uranus are energetic planets that like to see things move. In the fixed sign of Taurus, the flow has been moving too slow for comfort. Mars and Uranus coming together may mark a pressure point that’s been building up to a release for weeks. You might feel the need to just let it all out, lest you explode. It definitely isn’t wise to continue holding things that need to be expressed, but the caution here is to use discretion with where you direct this energy. If you’re not careful, unsuspecting bystanders may bear the brunt of your frustrations. Things may feel raw for everyone involved once the smoke clears, as a more level-headed mindset sets in with Mars’s trine to Neptune. Set aside your stubbornness, and apologize if you need to. Full Moon The Full Moon at 29° Capricorn is on July 21. This Full Moon may provide a harsh reality check about the impacts of the events from the previous week. It’s likely that feelings were hurt and damage was done, and the Full Moon will shine a light on what the consequences are. The silver lining is that there is a chance for repair with a sextile to Neptune providing some compassion. Additionally, the sextile between Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini wants everyone to get along and mend the ruptures that occurred. The Sun and Mars move into Leo and Gemini respectively, echoing the supportive sextile between Venus and Jupiter from the previous days. Though with Pluto in Aquarius configured to the Sun and Mars, the process of repair might feel more like a negotiation or a power struggle. What’s that saying about being right or being happy…? Decide how much of your ego needs to stay in this battle and what parts can be set aside for the sake of making peace. The month closes out with Mercury moving into Virgo. This shift will offer us some much needed groundedness and a sharper ability for discernment. Definitely a welcome change following the whirlwind of the previous weeks! Mercury in Virgo invites you to be deliberate with you decision-making and assess how to move forward. July is a doozy of month, but despite the ups and downs, the opportunity for repair repeatedly presents itself. It may feel easy to be swept away in the moment at times, but what matters most is how you recover from the things you’re not proud of. If you’re interested in learning about how this month's forecast will impact you on a more personal level, be sure to use your natal chart to find out which areas of life these transits will be playing out in. Additionally, consider booking a natal consultation with me, if that’s a process you’d like to do together.
- 3, 2, 1 Blastoff: Tales of a Successful Website Launch
On January 29, 2024 at 12:05 a.m., the Janay Anthony website went live. I want to send out a big thank you to all my family, friends, and colleagues who made the launch of my new website an overwhelming success. The month of January was full of stress and backaches as I spent multiple hours every day building this site from scratch. I'm no tech wizard either, so believe me when I say this was truly a labor of love. Lucky for me, I had Mars in Capricorn transiting my 6th house to keep me powering through to the end! In the past, I struggled with deciding how to bring all of my passions together- sexuality, relationships, mental health, astrology, tarot. I felt like I had to keep these various parts of myself separate from each other. Building this website has been a practice in embracing all of who I am and having the confidence to showcase myself to the world. It's for this reason that the ongoing support has been so meaningful to me. So here's to you! Sending you my deepest gratitude for your support as I grow on my personal and professional journey.
- Sex Talk: Top 5 Questions to Get You Talking to Your Partner About Sex
It’s a well-known adage that open and honest communication is key in a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship. But even knowing how to start the conversation about sex can be a challenge! So here are five questions that will open up the dialogue and get the discussion flowing. 1. How did you learn about sex? Start with where it all started. It’s such a simple question that often times people don’t stop to think about where they learned about sex. Was it from an abstinence-only program at school? Did you have the “cool parents” who were always down to answer any of your questions. The ways we learn about sex can have a lasting impact on our beliefs about sex and our comfort level navigating the topic. Most conversations about sex can lead to deeply personal realms, so starting with questions that are broader may feel like an easier entry point. 2. How important to you is sex in a relationship? Some people have a persistent desire for sex, while others experience no sexual desire at all. What’s important is that you and your partner(s) are aware of each other’s values and expectations of sex in the relationship. The beautiful thing is, is that there are no right or wrong answers here. Maybe you and your partner are aligned in your values, or maybe asking this question will reveal a misalignment. Either way, it’s important information to know and can open up even more conversations about sexual expectations. 3. What are your sexual fantasies? This is one of the most common questions you’ll find on lists like this, and for good reason! Diving into fantasies offers the opportunity to start exploring places you and your partner haven’t touched before. Learn about your partner’s fantasies, and perhaps even create some new ones together. This shared imagination can be a source of bonding. But don’t get ahead of yourself! Remember that sexual fantasies are just that: a fantasy. Not everyone needs or even wants their sexual fantasies to be realized. So if your partner shares a fantasy that comes as a surprise to you, be sure to lead with curiosity and keep the conversation going. 4. What can I do that could increase your sexual satisfaction? This is a tricky one. This question will require you to challenge yourself to be open to your partner’s feedback. You may feel put on the spot or self-conscious about your sexual performance abilities, but try not to internalize what your partner says. It can feel risky to ask for direct feedback like this, and it’ll also take vulnerability for your partner to answer honestly. Though this question may unlock sensitive conversations, it’s this sort of openness that will improve sexual intimacy. 5. What do you find most fun about sex? Remember, sex should be fun! Bring lightness and laughter into the discussion. If things feel tense or rigid every time you and your partner talk about sex, it’ll be more difficult to translate these conversations into enjoyable sex. Highlighting the fun parts of sex can help ease the pressures of those heavy and awkward moments present in a lot of these conversations. Be playful together, and think about talking to your partner about sex as the opportunity to bond. Now keep it going! All these questions are meant to start the conversation about sex. Each of these prompts will open up deeper discussions that offer a lot of nuance and space to explore your and your partner’s perspectives. When it comes to sex, you’ll find that exploring every corner is well worth it!
- The Cards Talk Back
As someone with a Gemini Moon, I’ve spent most of my life talking at and to inanimate objects. Cussing out the chair I just stubbed my toe on. Pleading with my phone not to fall to the ground as it gingerly slips out my hands. Letting my bed know just how much I love it when laying down after a long day. These have always been one-sided quips that garner zero response. Of course none of the things I talked to ever answered back- that is, until I started using tarot. I got my first tarot deck about ten years ago, and as my relationship to the cards has evolved over time, so too has the way the cards and I communicate. Just like with any relationship, the more you get to know each other, the easier it is to open up and express yourself no holds barred. And after ten years, let me tell you, tarot does not hold back! The sass is real! Tarot has come to know me and deliver messages to me in a way that resonates with my deeply sarcastic spirit, and I absolutely love tarot for that. My favorite example of this is during those nosy moments when I’m curious about someone else’s business and start my question with, “I know I shouldn’t ask this, but…” and tarot humbly throws the High Priestess at me. The High Priestess is about secrecy, hidden knowledge, and mystery. The translation is, “Girl, mind your goddam business!” At which point, I just have to accept the call out and be on my merry way. As my relationship with my deck deepened, the cards and I co-created a shared language that tarot equally uses to put me in my place and uplift me- just as any good friend should. This level of humor and directness allowed me to build a stronger sense of trust with my cards. After all, I can’t fully trust those who I can’t joke and play around with (thank you Gemini Moon!). The cards figured that out and started speaking to me in a way that allowed our relationship to grow. For my part, I had to remain open to receiving messages that weren’t the easiest to hear- which can be quite a difficult feat. But I would say the challenge was worth it, because the end result is a thriving connection to my deck that enriches every card that I pull. If there’s a take away here, it’s an encouragement to be authentic with your cards. Speak to them in a way you would your best friend. The same level of trust you have with them can be cultivated with your deck, and tarot will certainly look out for you in true BFF fashion.
- My Planetary Practice: Communing with Jupiter
Using the planetary hours to directly engage with the planetary energies is something I’ve wanted to try for a while. What’s stopped me from starting in the past is the very Taurean pace it takes me to start new habits… As well as an inability to find a convenient and accessible website/app to keep track of the planetary hours. I tried my best to find a free resource, but I finally decided to take a gamble and spend money on an app. I settled on "Planetary Hours + Widget" which cost me a total of $2.11 The app is moderately accessible with VoiceOver on iOS, and provides a simple way to keep track of the planetary hours. I would definitely recommend if you have the money to spare! So now, with a way to track the hours, I’ve been able to connect with the planets on a daily basis. Of course, I’m being intentional about choosing to work with Jupiter first. To start forging my connection to this jolly ol’ gas giant, I decided to start simply. Every time I noticed that it was the hour, I would take a moment and give Jupiter a quick shoutout. Literally just say, “Hey man, I see you!” and offer up some gratitudes for the blessings Jupiter has already provided me in life. If I happened to be hungry during the hour of Jupiter, I would eat a strawberry or two in his honor. Did you know strawberries are a Jupiterian fruit? That’s something new I just learned! I’ll have to do more digging to find other Jupiterian foods. Because of course, I’m going to find any way possible to incorporate snacking into honoring the planets! Anyways, this morning (June 3, 2021) was the first Thursday since I started working with Jupiter. I woke up bright and early so I could do a meditation for Jupiter’s hour on Jupiter’s day. I dabbed some peppermint oil onto my wrists and laid in my bed to start meditating. I wasn’t expecting much to happen. But to my surprise, my brain just started downloading information from the planet. I explored different ways that Jupiter can be conceptualized in astrology. The most prominent thought to cross my mind was how Jupiter can be associated with accessibility and equity. This train of thought is actually what inspired me to start documenting my journey working with the planets. I have this unique opportunity to interface with the planets in a way that most people choose not to- connecting without an emphasis on the visual. By creating an accessible practice for myself and sharing my discoveries, perhaps others will be inspired to find new ways of connecting that work best for them. There’s not much to summarize here, as this is only the beginning of my saga with Jupiter. So feel free to stay tuned to see how my practice deepens and grows!
- Creating an Accessible Practice
As a visually impaired astrologer, one of the biggest challenges I face is accessibility in the field. Not only do I have to wade through classic sources that are unreadable to me- most commonly because audiobook versions of printed texts don’t exist or because online PDF’s are incompatible with screen readers- but also because the majority of instructional material for cultivating a practice assumes the reader is an able-bodied astrologer. This is to be expected. Most things in life assume an able-bodied participant after all. And in a subject as visual as astrology, everyone assumes that you’re able to see. An area I’ve felt unable to incorporate into my astrological practice is planetary ritual. I’ve found very few accessible sources that discuss astrological magic, planetary charity, and the like in an in-depth way. But you know what? I’m tired of not having these things as part of my practice. So in true Mars in the 1st fashion, I guess I’m just going to figure it out and document my explorations in my blog as I go! Is there a way to engage with ritual in a way that prioritizes the senses of touch, taste, smell, and/or hearing? Sure, there is! Do I have a detailed guideline on how to cultivate such a practice? I sure don’t! But that’ll be the fun of it, eh! I’m inviting you on my journey as I figure out my own accessible way to engage with ritual. Experimentation and trial & error are guaranteed. And certainly, I’ll learn more about myself and my practice along the way.
- Venus in Cancer 2020
Things are getting sweeter as Venus moves into Cancer! But too much of a good thing only results in a belly ache. Venus in Cancer will last from August 7th- September 6th, 2020. Venus is a sensual planet that rules pleasure, values, and love. The zodiac sign Cancer is about emotions, nurturing, and nourishment. Venus in Cancer is a powerhouse of lovey-dovey good feels! Your need to express your affection for the ones you care about may be heightened as you pay more attention to the things and people that bring you joy. This is a great time to create and deepen intimacy in relationships. Your sweet tooth and cravings for comfort food may be on high alert this month. Emotional eating is no joke! Increased stress levels may lead to bad habits and over-indulgence. Venus likes to feel good, and when the wave of emotion takes over, it’s easy to overdo it. Venus’s move through Cancer will likely reawaken a lot of the stresses you’ve been feeling this year. Cancer is a cardinal sign, along with Aries, Libra and Capricorn. These signs all form aspects of tension with each other, so you may start to feel the pressure of this year's build up of planets in cardinal signs. The waters will remain relatively calm until August 18th when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus. This will provide the chance for radical grounding energy. If emotions are weighing you down, you have the opportunity to liberate yourself from them today. It’ll be important to stay grounded, especially as Venus moves into an opposition with Jupiter in Capricorn around August 25th. You may feel more tempted than ever to quell your emotions with food, drink, or drugs. Moderation is key to making sure that these vices don’t turn into unhealthy patterns of behavior. Just a few days later on August 27th, Venus will trine Neptune is Pisces. This is another aspect that can point to a lack of boundaries with things that make you feel good. The height of the tension will take place between August 30th until Venus leaves Cancer on September 7th. This is because Venus will be in the late degrees of Cancer and closely configured to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, along with Mars in Aries. Your patience may be wearing thin by this point, and you may not want to “play nice” anymore. Crabs do have claws after all! Just try not to snap anyone’s fingers off… Venus in Cancer will be a test this year, especially towards the end of the transit. It’ll be important to find ways to relax and decompress so that the pressure doesn’t boil over. Hot cups of tea, a warm bath, and the occasional glass of wine are wonderful for the soul!
- Mercury in Leo 2020
The spotlight is on your voice while Mercury moves through the sunny zodiac sign of Leo. Express your thoughts loud and proud! Mercury will be in Leo from August 4, 2020- August 19, 2020. Mercury represents your thoughts, opinions, and how you communicate with others. The fiery sign of the lion is about creativity, courage, and demanding attention. Throughout the Mercury in Leo transit, you’ll feel the need for your words to be heard. Many bright ideas will come to mind over the next few weeks, so be sure to write them down so you won’t forget them! Inspiration may strike out of nowhere, especially around August 9th when Mercury squares Uranus in Taurus. Because squares are an aspect of tension, the ideas you have may be disjointed and not fully formed. But that’s okay! Segments of brilliance are brilliance nonetheless. While Mercury is in Leo, if your need to be seen goes unfulfilled, you may become agitated or aggressive. Things may come to a boiling point around August 16th when Mercury conjoins the Sun in Leo and forms a trine to Mars in Aries. Oof, today will be hot! But because trines are aspects of harmony, this energy may just be the spark you need to speak up for yourself and demand that your needs be met. Confrontation is often necessary if you want your circumstances to change. Mercury in Leo can also fill you with warmth and a generous spirit. If you’re in a place where you can afford to do so, donating your time, energy, and/or money may feel very fulfilling during this transit. Overall, Mercury in Leo is about expression and creation. Create your version of joy and share it with the world!
- Conferences and Community in 2020: The Changing Landscape of the Astrology Conference
There is no need to rehash the insanity that has been 2020. This year has changed how we conduct ourselves in every aspect of our lives- including how we attend astrology conferences! With lockdowns and stay-at-home orders in place, many in-person events have hightailed it on to the internet. While it’s disappointing that face-to-face socialization wasn’t possible, the online landscape made many of these astrology events accessible to more people than ever! I’ve been lucky enough to attend three different conferences this year: The Northwest Astrology Conference (NORWAC), The Great Lakes Astrology Conference (GLAC), and the Queer Astrology Conference (QAC). This article is an introduction in a four-part series that will chronicle my experiences attending each conference. In general, I don’t have many complaints about the virtual conferences. The digital platform made attending them possible for me and many other first-time conference goers. For one thing, the expense of attendance was remarkably cheaper than an in-person conference. Typically, the price of attendance includes not only the price of the ticket itself, but also traveling, lodging, and food expenses for up to 4-5 days. Although the price of full conference attendance can run pretty steep on its own, the absence of those extra expenses is a huge bonus to the bank account! For transparency, here is a breakdown of what I paid for each conference NORWAC: $275 Full Conference Pass + $100 Post-Conference Workshop GLAC: $275 Full Conference Pass QAC*: $60 Full Conference Pass *The Queer Astrology Conference offered attendance on a sliding scale with a recommended price of $49, and encouraged attendees to pay what they could. Virtual conferences also make participation possible for people with limited mobility. Personally, I don’t have impediments to my mobility. However, as a legally blind person, traveling cross-country alone would be a major challenge- not to mention the added expenses of personal transportation due to public transit options often being inaccessible. This is yet another hurtle that the online format presents a solution to. This is beneficial not only to people with disabilities, but also to the average able-bodied person who simply lives too far away to fly to a conference for a weekend. Both NORWAC and QAC had attendees joining in from across the globe! Another plus is that virtual astrology conferences give a chance for those who are shy, have social anxiety, or are otherwise sensitive to crowds the chance to participate more comfortably. Tuning in from a familiar environment may take some of the pressure off of socialization. I am not particularly shy, nor do I have social anxiety or crowd sensitivities, so I can’t fully speak to how someone who does would experience an online conference. But I invite anyone who identifies as such to share their experience in the comments! The bottom line is online astrology conferences are more affordable and more accessible than the alternative. I’m not suggesting that the community needs to do away with in-person conferences, but this moment of access cannot remain a fluke of the 2020 stay-at-home orders. As the world (hopefully) returns back to some semblance of normal, the astrology organizations that put on these conferences must figure out how to keep up this same level of affordability and accessibility. It’s nonnegotiable if the astrological community wants to usher in newer, more diverse faces. Astrology conferences shouldn’t be elite, exclusive events. Incorporating options of digital participation needs to be the norm when we look at planning astrology conferences in the future. Saturn in Aquarius is fast approaching, and there will be a higher need to bring material experiences into the virtual space. Call this a notice if you will, dear astrology conference organizers. There are hundreds of astrology lovers and practitioners out there who could participate this year because there was greater access. When in-person events return, this same level of access needs to return with them. Next up in the Conferences and Community 2020 series will be an article in which I discuss my very first experience at an astrology conference, attending NORWAC2020. Stay tuned!
- Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 5, 2020
Let’s talk about the Lunar Eclipse at 13° Capricorn that occurs on July 5th, 2020! It is the grand finale to the set of eclipses along the Cancer-Capricorn axis that started back in July 2018. Over the past two years, eclipses have been bouncing back and forth in these zodiac signs, uncovering and bringing to light various themes in your life. What these themes were depends on your natal chart. Likely themes based on where Cancer-Capricorn is in your chart: 1st/7th Houses: Personal Identity vs. Relationships 2nd/8th Houses: Personal Finance vs. Other’s Resources 3rd/9th Houses: Siblings and Community vs. Philosophy and Travel 4th/10th Houses: Home vs. Career 5th/11th Houses: Children and Creativity vs. Social Networks and Friend Groups 6th/12th Houses: Health and Daily Duties vs. Isolation and Spiritual Development Of course, the specific topics that these eclipses triggered for you is based on multiple factors in your natal chart. Regardless, the lunar eclipse at 13° Capricorn will bring an end to the saga. Lunar eclipses happen when a full moon takes place close to the nodal axis. Because this lunar eclipse is with the South Node, there is a heightened energy of releasing and endings- a true denouement! Things are culminating, and the lessons these Cancer-Capricorn eclipses wanted to teach you will become clear. Keep in mind, we’re still talking about an eclipse, and its effects can take up to six months to fully manifest. The clarity may not be instant, but a shift will be felt. The lunar eclipse at 13° Capricorn is asking you to let go of the structures in your life that are no longer serving you. If something is impeding your growth, it’s time to throw it in the metaphorical fire and watch it burn! You’ll want to be as light as possible come the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle that begins in November 2020. But we’ll save that for when we get there. 😉 ~~~~~ In the meantime, if you want to get ready for the next cycle of eclipse taking place in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, you’re in luck! You can book a reading with me to find out what area of your life the eclipses will affect and what you can do to prepare for them.