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Venus in Cancer 2020

Aug 4, 2020

2 min read

Things are getting sweeter as Venus moves into Cancer! But too much of a good thing only results in a belly ache. Venus in Cancer will last from August 7th- September 6th, 2020.

Venus is a sensual planet that rules pleasure, values, and love. The zodiac sign Cancer is about emotions, nurturing, and nourishment. Venus in Cancer is a powerhouse of lovey-dovey good feels! Your need to express your affection for the ones you care about may be heightened as you pay more attention to the things and people that bring you joy. This is a great time to create and deepen intimacy in relationships.

Your sweet tooth and cravings for comfort food may be on high alert this month. Emotional eating is no joke! Increased stress levels may lead to bad habits and over-indulgence. Venus likes to feel good, and when the wave of emotion takes over, it’s easy to overdo it.

Venus’s move through Cancer will likely reawaken a lot of the stresses you’ve been feeling this year. Cancer is a cardinal sign, along with Aries, Libra and Capricorn. These signs all form aspects of tension with each other, so you may start to feel the pressure of this year's build up of planets in cardinal signs.

The waters will remain relatively calm until August 18th when Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus. This will provide the chance for radical grounding energy. If emotions are weighing you down, you have the opportunity to liberate yourself from them today. It’ll be important to stay grounded, especially as Venus moves into an opposition with Jupiter in Capricorn around August 25th. You may feel more tempted than ever to quell your emotions with food, drink, or drugs. Moderation is key to making sure that these vices don’t turn into unhealthy patterns of behavior. Just a few days later on August 27th, Venus will trine Neptune is Pisces. This is another aspect that can point to a lack of boundaries with things that make you feel good.

The height of the tension will take place between August 30th until Venus leaves Cancer on September 7th. This is because Venus will be in the late degrees of Cancer and closely configured to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, along with Mars in Aries. Your patience may be wearing thin by this point, and you may not want to “play nice” anymore. Crabs do have claws after all! Just try not to snap anyone’s fingers off…

Venus in Cancer will be a test this year, especially towards the end of the transit. It’ll be important to find ways to relax and decompress so that the pressure doesn’t boil over. Hot cups of tea, a warm bath, and the occasional glass of wine are wonderful for the soul!

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