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Uranus in Taurus- Part 1: Food & Environment

Feb 14, 2019

3 min read

Things are about to be shaken up… again!  In 2018, we got a nice little taste of Uranus in Taurus for a few months before it retrograded back into the sign of Aries.  This time it’s for good folks! On March 7th, 2019, Uranus will ingress into the sign of Taurus and remain there until 2026. Buckle your seatbelts because Uranus is sure to take us on a wild ride!

Many astrologers have already offered their two cents on what this transit may bring, and I wanted to throw my thoughts into the mix.  Boy do I have some thoughts! I decided to put them into a 3-part article, outlining the major themes Uranus in Taurus will bring to our collective attention.  In Part 1, I’ll discuss themes related to the Food Industry & Environment. Part 2 will cover Money & Finance, and Part 3 will explore Internet Culture. Uranus in Taurus may touch many other areas of our lives- especially considering what house this transit takes place in in your natal chart- but I’ll be focusing on more global themes.  Enjoy!

Part 1: Food Industry & Environment

The sign of Taurus is known for food.  It’s a bit of a cliche at this point. But it’s a cliche for a reason.  Taurus is the sign that we turn to to find the plants and animals that we use for sustenance- Mother Earth’s gift to our bodies.  Uranus is the planet of radical changes, technological advances, and social activism. Bringing these two energies together is sure to change how we think about food.

The most obvious place to start is the meat industry.  Taurus is the sign of the bull (or cow, in this case). It’s no secret that the meat industry has a lot of problems, and perhaps Uranus in Taurus is just the transit we need to help us solve some of them.  Sorry cow farmers, but this probably won’t make you too happy. And to the vegans, well, this just may be your time to shine! As people become more aware of the horrible damage that the meat industry causes to our environment, I suspect more people will start speaking up about it and demanding change.  More people may start to turn to vegetarianism and veganism in order to do their part in conserving our environment. As more people become outspoken activists against the meat industry, changes may have to be put into place in order to appease the consumer. One of the changes we may see is lab-grown meat becoming available in mass markets.  As of now, this technology is still in its beginning stages, but as the demand for cruelty-free meat becomes higher, you bet companies will be racing to be the first to give people what they want.

When Uranus moved into Taurus last year, some of the most strikingly literal manifestations were volcano eruptions and earthquakes.  It’s possible that extreme natural phenomenons just may become a part of the typical news cycle. Like a mother smacking her kid in the mouth for disrespecting her, Mother Earth may decide to do the same thing unless humanity shapes up.  Climate change will become harder and harder to ignore as weather patterns become more dramatic and unpredictable. With all that staring us in the face, it makes sense that people would want to do more to protect the environment. Uranus can help us innovate, and we could see new advances in renewable energy such as solar, wind, and water power- really anything powered by natural sources.  On a micro-level, the average person may become more environment-conscious and start to adjust their actions accordingly, such as adopting more produce-based diets like mentioned before, starting their own garden, or perhaps even raising their own animals for a more humane meat consumption. People may start investing in more natural, homegrown, and homemade products, because knowing exactly where something comes from and how that affects the planet will start to become a more commonplace value.

A good key phrase for Uranus in Taurus is modern simplicity.  Taurus longs for the simple, tried and true ways of the past, and in the context of this conversation, how we used to consume food was far less damaging to the environment and our own bodies.  Uranus will help us realize this and inspire us to make a change. It actually makes a lot of sense that we’d want to return to an older way of doing things. God forbid Taurus actually accepts something new...

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