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Horoscope for July 2024

Jun 30, 2024

4 min read

Happy birthday to all the Cancers out there and happy summer to everyone else! July is ushering in some big energy as every personal planet makes multiple major aspects with an outer planet this month. As they move through the late degrees of Cancer and early degrees of Leo, the planets first encounter harmonious aspects with Uranus and Neptune, then their paths culminate in a tense connection to Pluto. Such intimate conversations to the outer planets present the opportunity to make big moves and go deep.

July's Forecast

Transit List for the first week of July

July starts off with Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces. When a planet stations- or appears to stand still in the sky- its energy is magnified and palpable. As the planet of dreams, spirituality, and illusions, Neptune often skews our perceptions of reality. Mercury in Cancer forms a harmonious trine to Neptune, which makes it even easier to slide between points of view. This is a brilliant time to exercise creative skills like writing or making art. At the same time, you may be extra vulnerable to trickery or find your opinions easily swayed. With Venus also moving through Cancer and connecting to Saturn in Pisces, you’re encouraged to give others grace without sacrificing your own stability. Mars in Taurus is giving you the ability to stay grounded as it also forms a connection with Saturn. Just be careful not to dig your feet in too much! This energy is best used by actualizing some of the creative imaginings from earlier in the week and taking practical steps to turn aspects of your dreams into reality.


New Moon

The New Moon at 14° Cancer takes place on July 5. New Moons grant us the chance to set new intentions and start new habits. With Cancer’s focus on security and nurturance, don’t be afraid to lean into your sensitivities. What you’re sensitive about often clues you in to underlying insecurities and gives you the opportunity to examine what’s making you feel unsafe. This dynamic may be playing out in your relationships with this New Moon’s co-presence with Venus. At one point in time, your fears were likely based in reality. Use this New Moon to examine if you’re still reacting to past vulnerabilities, and ask yourself what you truly need to feel safe in your present reality.


Transit list for second week of July

The second week of the month shakes things up with Venus’s sextile to Uranus in Taurus, which starts off Venus’s dance with all three outer planets. The trine to Neptune and eventual opposition to Pluto, positions your relationships to get flirty, immersive, and passionate. You may be feeling the tension between the need to try something new and the risk of taking a chance. Invite more play into your connection with others, and remember to enjoy the levity of spending time with those you care about. Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Gemini wants you to have FUN and expand your network. Be cheeky, laugh loudly, and lean into the warmth of your relationships.


Transit list for third week of July

Mid-July marks a stark shift in the energy with Mars conjoining Uranus in Taurus. Both Mars and Uranus are energetic planets that like to see things move. In the fixed sign of Taurus, the flow has been moving too slow for comfort. Mars and Uranus coming together may mark a pressure point that’s been building up to a release for weeks. You might feel the need to just let it all out, lest you explode. It definitely isn’t wise to continue holding things that need to be expressed, but the caution here is to use discretion with where you direct this energy. If you’re not careful, unsuspecting bystanders may bear the brunt of your frustrations. Things may feel raw for everyone involved once the smoke clears, as a more level-headed mindset sets in with Mars’s trine to Neptune. Set aside your stubbornness, and apologize if you need to.


Transit list for fourth and fifth week of July

Full Moon

The Full Moon at 29° Capricorn is on July 21. This Full Moon may provide a harsh reality check about the impacts of the events from the previous week. It’s likely that feelings were hurt and damage was done, and the Full Moon will shine a light on what the consequences are. The silver lining is that there is a chance for repair with a sextile to Neptune providing some compassion. Additionally, the sextile between Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini wants everyone to get along and mend the ruptures that occurred.


The Sun and Mars move into Leo and Gemini respectively, echoing the supportive sextile between Venus and Jupiter from the previous days. Though with Pluto in Aquarius configured to the Sun and Mars, the process of repair might feel more like a negotiation or a power struggle. What’s that saying about being right or being happy…? Decide how much of your ego needs to stay in this battle and what parts can be set aside for the sake of making peace.


The month closes out with Mercury moving into Virgo. This shift will offer us some much needed groundedness and a sharper ability for discernment. Definitely a welcome change following the whirlwind of the previous weeks! Mercury in Virgo invites you to be deliberate with you decision-making and assess how to move forward.


July is a doozy of month, but despite the ups and downs, the opportunity for repair repeatedly presents itself. It may feel easy to be swept away in the moment at times, but what matters most is how you recover from the things you’re not proud of.


If you’re interested in learning about how this month's forecast will impact you on a more personal level, be sure to use your natal chart to find out which areas of life these transits will be playing out in. Additionally, consider booking a natal consultation with me, if that’s a process you’d like to do together.

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