The midst of summer is heating up this Leo season! Just as things were cooling down from last month’s shake ups, August’s astrology will have you doing double takes and feeling déjà vu. Not only will multiple planetary configurations reactivate July’s volatile Mars-Uranus conjunction, Mercury will also station retrograde and invite us to reexamine situations we previously thought had concluded. When faced with familiar conundrums, will you employ the same strategies previously used to navigate tense moments? Or will you take the opportunity to respond in new ways? August is marked by tension between stagnation and an abundance of nervous energy, so be wise as you consider next steps.
At the start of the month, Venus is first in line to harken back to the Mars-Uranus conjunction as it forms a zesty square to Uranus. Out-of-the box maneuvers demand recognition and appreciation. As Venus dances through the late degrees of the expressive sign of Leo, simple acknowledgements may speak volumes towards alleviating conflicts. Giving those who deserve it their flowers may prove to be beneficial as this particularly sensitive part of the sky gets activated throughout the month.
New Moon
Days after the square, novel energy comes rushing in with the New Moon at 12° of Leo and Venus’s ingress into the sign of Virgo. This New Moon presents the chance for you to shine! You may be surprised by how authenticity can result in doors opening for you. Likewise, it requires discernment to make sure that the path you follow is aligned with what you value. It’s a great time for curation or to share your carefully crafted projects with the world. The spotlight is waiting for you!
Beware of the critics though, as Mercury slows down and stations retrograde (Rx) at 4° Virgo. Remember that scrutiny isn’t necessarily a negative. Feedback in its constructive forms encourages betterment. In fact, you might even expect a warm reception with Venus and Mercury Rx applying to conjoin each other at 3° Virgo. This friendly aspect is lighthearted and encourages you to refine your craft. Digging into the details can be an enriching experience. Additionally, with the Sun in Leo forming a supportive sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, your allies have got your back. It’s unlikely that assuming others’ good intentions will lead you astray at this time.
This sweet energy lasts until the middle of the month when a burst of inspiration strikes. Mars meets Jupiter in the curious sign of Gemini. This combo will energize your drive to expand your horizons, and Mercury Rx’s entrance back into Leo will reignite the instinct to follow your grandiose whims. However, disappointment may sink in when you’re hit with the realities of your limitations. Mars soon squares the restrictive Saturn in Pisces, turning what was thought to be an elegant dive towards the water into a harsh belly flop against the surface. There’s nothing wrong with giving your all, but brace yourself for impact if things don’t work out the way you dreamed.
The latter half of August ushers in our next echo of last month’s Mars-Uranus conjunction, and things will speed up as multiple planets make contact with each other in rapid succession. Mercury Rx intensifies rhetoric as it forms its second of three squares to Uranus in Taurus. This configuration may mark announcements or updates of the direct fallout from the disruptions that happened in mid-July. With more information coming to light, you may feel more emboldened in your opinions, especially because Mercury Rx conjoins the Sun in Leo during this square. You’re cautioned against over-identification with your thoughts or ideology. Believing that you or others are defined by their points of view may lead into the trap of stubbornness and missed opportunities for minds to change.
Full Moon
Also happening concurrently is the Full Moon at 27° of Aquarius. This Full Moon connects to the Sun, Mercury Rx, and Uranus, forming an incredibly tense configuration known as a T-square. Additionally, the fixed signs of Taurus (Uranus), Leo (Sun and Mercury Rx), and Aquarius (Moon) creates a doubling down and an unwillingness to cooperate. Indignant righteousness may be coloring the steps you take at this time. As mentioned, there’s always room for more nuance, but you must decide what hill you’re prepared to die on.
Finding relief from the intensity may prove to be a difficult task as the mutable zodiac signs are also occupied by a T-square! The signs of Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces are typically characterized by their ability to pivot and adapt. However, with Saturn in Pisces leading this T-square, Venus and Jupiter are forced to work hard to maintain hope. Venus in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini can feel deeply uncomfortable due to the contradiction of analysis and faith. If you need to know every minute detail before you allow yourself to move forward, can you truly say you have trust in the situation? In others? In yourself? It can feel like a gloomy realization that pessimism may win this round. This may possibly be your point of no return. How will you choose to proceed?
This saga may leave you feeling like achieving your ideals is impossible with existing structures in place. A change is in order, and the Sun’s ingress into Virgo can inspire contemplation. It’s time to get down to brass tacks and examine your non-negotiables and where there’s room for shifting. Mercury Rx forms an opportune sextile to Mars at 22° Gemini. You may be feeling like something needs to give, or it will break. Letting go is seldom easy, but sometimes rupturing a connection is what’s best for everyone involved.
The month wraps up with a lull in the intensity. Venus in Virgo will trine Uranus in Taurus, an aspect that creates ease and may inspire an innovative approach to organization. You may find that downsizing invites abundance to your life in unexpected ways. Venus also forms an opposition to Neptune at 29° Pisces, encouraging you to let your imagination run wild. Escapism may feel enticing, but be careful not to overdo it and get lost in your fantasies. Mercury stations direct at 22° Leo, which will also allow you to direct your creativity outwards. Create. Laugh. Flirt. Be aware of your magnetism. August ends with Venus moving into Libra and forming a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. Not only is this a deep breath of fresh air after the heaviness from earlier in the month, but this seductive and powerful Venus presents the chance to build truly meaningful connections that have the potential to be long-lasting. After a month of feeling beaten down, now is the time to step into your power.